Saturday 11 October 2014

Belvita #morningwin stories campaign | Our mornings

Hi everyone!  So I was lucky enough to be sent some lovely Belvita biscuits to try out due to their #morningwin campaign.  I was actually really please about this as I'm sure like a lot of mums reading this I have a bad habit of skipping breakfast.  Not because I want to god no!  I'd love to remember to pour myself a bowl of cereal with milk but I just forget.  I'm far too busy trying to sort David out.  Making sure he has his breakfast, get his clothes ready for nursery and pack his bag etc.  It doesn't sound like I have much to do but that alongside checking my emails I dunno the time seems to fly by.  Oh and if I do manage to get myself some breakfast....even if it's the same as David' must taste different and better because David will try and steal my breakfast ga'h!

I also found out these biscuits are good for little ones as well.  What do you mean you ask.  Well one morning I realised we had no bread and ran out of cereal (bad parent of the year award goes to me).  I thought to myself crap he's got to eat something! Then I realised we had some Belvita bisuits left over. I handed them over to David and he seem to enjoy them as within a matter of seconds they had gone.  Matthew also enjoyed eating them before work as I noticed that the box of chocolate chip biscuits had gone missing and he took them to work!  Cheeky sod they were my favourite ha ha.

(ga'h blurry picture!)  A few weeks ago I met up with some people in my local town so I decided to bring the biscuits with me.  None of them wished the try them but I had a packet of them with a raspberry and white chocolate smoother.  It filled me up quite nicely.  I reckon the hazelnut biscuits would go lovely with a hot chocolate.  Now the months are getting colder I plan to treat myself to that idea.

So, do you struggle to eat breakfast in the morning if so why?

1 comment:

  1. We have all had those sort of mornings. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part
