Sunday, 22 February 2015

Healthy eating with #Ryvitaanythinggoes

So a lot of my Facebook friends will probably know that I have changed the way I eat now (though I could never live without a cheeky take away now and then).  I now get my meat from a butchers and try and buy most fruit and veg organic.  I also don't buy cow's milk anymore but instead almond or hazelnut.  I also try and buy organic bread but this can be a bit difficult.  I often to get people asking me "urgh I really want some bread but I can't have it" to that I turn them to the magic that is Ryvita's. So here I am with some new suggestions some of which you may be familiar with, some may be new.

I think a lot of people see Ryvita as this open sandwich and that they must stack things on top.  Although this is an option this isn't just the only thing Ryvita's can be used for.  Have you ever thought about using it to dip in your soft boiled eggs?  Crispbread Soldiers is an excellent way to start your day.  You can also try yoghurt topped with fresh berries on some sunflower seeds and oats crispbread if you want something different other then layering it all in a bowl. 

This is another one of my favourites.  Although we are slowly breaking into Spring now we still have those mega windy days where the cold hits us like we are in the North Pole.  What better way to kick start your lunch with a warm bowl of soup.  Have you ever run out of bread though to dip or are wanting those deep fried but oh so delicious croutons? Well what I love to do is break some pieces off into my soup to give the soup different textures OR even better dip a Black Pepper Ryvita Crispbread into the soup.  Especially with tomato soup. I mean black pepper and tomato soup hello! Winning combination right there.

Okay, okay I know what your thinking the old classic.  Seriously thought if you haven't tried this on some crisipbread where have you been!!! It's simply devine.  Heck even without the soft cream cheese it's amazing!  I think it's a great way to introduce more fish into your diet too if you eat quite a lot of meat.

Ryvita's don't always have to be savoury and you can even treat yourself from time to time.  I think chocolate and strawberries on some crispbread would of been an excellent treat on Valentines Day.  But Mothers Day and Easter is just around the corner!

So what are my favourite ways to eat Ryvita, well other then dipping in soup? I have one last favourite topping to have on my Ryvita's and that's homemade guacamole.  I haven't got the best picture to show you guys but my god it was so good.  I don't even like Supermarket brought guacamole but I LOVE this.

Like I said not the best photo but oh so delicious! All it is, is;

1 Avocado
a few drops of lemon and lime
a sprinkle of salt
and a handful of parsley and coriander.

You can also add some chilli if you'd like.  So what is your favourite use of Ryvita's?  What is your favourite topping?  Have you ever used Ryvita's even?  Until next time.


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