Wednesday 23 April 2014

My Great British Home

Hello everyone, your probably all thinking "wait a second post by Rachel in the same week what's going on is she ill?".  Oh very funny no I'm not ill guys but it IS a rare occasion.  I'm posting this as the deadline for this post is the 27th of April and I really wanted to enter this linky by Britmums.  The reason being is well I hardly ever talk about my home here on my blog do I?  Infact I don't think I ever do! Which indeed means it's over due!  So where do I live?  Well I live in a private rented 2 bedroom house.  It's in a lovely area which I adore and is close to a primary school and not to far away from the centre of town.  Unfortunately the house hasn't been looked after by the landlord, in a way to be honest I can't wait until the windows break, at least then hopefully I'll get double glazing!  Despite that I do love this little (not so little when I think about it) house but I will be hopefully moving into a 3 bedroom house in the future (hopefully in about 2 years time).

So what is the style of my house?  Well at the moment it's kinda of random as I've not had the money to spend on it much in the past BUT this is changing.  Matthew supports me and David a hell of a lot and works his bottom off.  There is no real colours scheme apart from maybe in the bathroom where I would like it green and white and in my son's bedroom which is pirate themed.  I'm not too bothered about this though as when I move out I'll have to paint it all plain again anyway so might as well leave down stairs and other rooms and just make small changes until I move.  

I'm kind of a "cute" kinda girl and I love buying cute things.  However I do like going BIG on main items like sofas and units etc.  So it was no surprise to me that went I did the Great British Home quiz located here that I was given the "Mr & Mrs Glamours".  However I found it pretty insulting that I was compared to Towie's Joey and Sam, considering how much I hate that show.  I was given this quote;

"Everything about you screams glamour; you always look photo-ready, whether you are working out, shopping in designer boutiques or snuggled up at home in your designer onesie. You crave home comforts that make a statement - a faux fur blanket, embellished cushions and lots of crushed velvet. You use neutral shades mixed with metallic. Pride of place are family portraits, kitchen gadgets and the keys to your Range Rover."

I would say the only things true from this quote are, family portraits, kitchen gadgets and the range rover. Though to be honest I'd prefer a Land Rover.  Photo-ready makes me laugh a girl can only dream hey? If you would like to take the test for yourself you can do so by clicking here

So what are my Great British Home wishlist items?  

- Black corner sofa 3x4 with red scatter cushions 
- A classic coffee table with enough draws
- New fancy storage compartment to go next to the front door for bits and bobs and crafts!
- A nicer mirror to hang up in the living room and a mirror for my beauty table
- A new fridge freezer maybe one with an ice dispenser
- New microwave and toaster for the kitchen
- a storage wicken tower for the bathroom 
- Better shower system 
- More frames for my photos and shelves lots and lots of shelves

So yes as you can see I like cute items but I also like probably "expensive" items though I always try and get myself a bargain.  My dream Great British Home though would have to be a stylish living room, a baking friendly kitchen, a relaxing bathroom and a chic bedroom.  I hope that all my house is covered in chic vintage items too like found on I mean just look at these lovely items.

Anyway that's about it for this post I hope you enjoyed it.  What is your dream Great British Home?

This post is an entry for the #GreatBritishHome Challenge  sponsored by Victoria Plumb, a source of quality bathrooms for every type of home. Take its “What’s Your Celebrity Home Style?” quiz to discover what your home says about you.


  1. I share quite a few on your wish list especially all things storage. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.

    1. Awww thank you for the comment. Yes as any parent knows you can never have enough storage ;)
